I began the day by waking up at 4 AM.... wide awake, hello jet lag. Today was Mountain Bike ride day, wow, I haven't been on a bike for a while! And it showed. We started out with the typical air in tires stuff, then, crossing a busy street, we had to jump a median, too bad my brain didn't get the memo. I hit the darn thing head on, CRASH!! Nice bruised palm, scrapped up knee, leg and took the cross bar in the Right thigh, nice work! I only dripped a little blood, but I've officially left a little bit of myself in Hungary! LOL After picking up the bike and avoiding traffic, we got on the train to our trail head, 25 km away (or something like that). I should have just turned back when I fell, oops. So the attempt to ride this bike w/ jet lag, adrenalin/shock from crash, 90 some degree temps and being out of shape was a complete failure. I ended up over heating, nearly vomiting and we turned back. I felt really bad for the guys (Nick and his friend Andy). We ended up hanging out at a lake so I could cool my feet in the water and sit in the shade. The plan now was to put me back on the train, although, the train didn't pick up for another 2 1/2 hours. So Nick called Rosemary and she was sooo nice to come and pick me up. While we waited, we ate Hungarian Hamburgers, interesting is the word I'm going to use. We also watched some silly girl drive her car right into the restaurant door, lol. The guys started over on the trail when I was picked up and Rosemary stopped along the road back to show me a Village. They are VERY small little communities here that outline the cities. They are a special dynamic and most who live in villages never leave them.
The rest of the day was spent trying to keep cool, poor little Nate was just miserable, of course so were the rest of us. I got to see the local mall, 3 blocks away from Nick & Rosemary's house and it was air conditioned!! It also had ice cream, that always makes everything better. Later that evening, Nick, Rosemary, "The Australians" as they are called, Kim and Andy, and I went to a nice Moroccan restaurant! I was lovely. We all shared a bottle of local Cabernet Souvangon, which I had to say was great! For dinner I had Lamb stew w/ noodles, cucumber salad w/ sour cream, it was amazing!! Afterwords, we had complementary Hookah. I'd never tried it before, so since it's vacation, what the heck! Not bad, definitely interesting as well.
It was certainly a full day. Good times. Trippin' hard :)