Sunday, July 26, 2009

Day 6, July 26th. Budapest, Hungary

RACE DAY!!!!!! So exciting, that I didn't get much sleep, lol. I got up at 6:15 and headed over to McDonald's to use the internet. Check out a few ways to get to the race and then picked the most expensive, most ridiculous way to get there. I'm so upset about it that I'm not even going to elaborate on it. I must just forget about it and let it go! GRRR

The Hungaroring is the name of the track and it was absolutely beautiful!!!! So green, sooooo many trees and I had views of 5 corners, it was unbelievable. I walked around at first and took a bunch of pictures (of course) and bought a couple souvenirs. I was just awestruck by the grandeur of the races in Europe, Indianapolis has nothing on this place and I don't even know if my pictures did it any justice. I like the word MAGNIFICENT, for many reasons, but especially for this place. I think I would bore most with my excitement about the race, so I'll talk about some other things. Being in a country that I don't speak the language is very frustrating and nerve racking. But I don't think that many people at the track today were from Hungary, just a huge mix of languages. I think I may have said two sentences to the people around me and I find it funny that I'm positive that in the States, someone would have commented that I was alone. Here, no one seemed to care, which I guess is ok. I was only hassled by one drunk guy today, but I just kinda dodged him and everyone else seem pretty friendly.

After the race I refused to make the same mistake a 2nd time around, so I wandered and wandered til some German guy told me to just walk into this little town and catch a bus to Budapest. Great idea AND it was FREE! I missed understood someone in the morning and I could have come this was 1st. Oh well, lesson learned. I met some really nice British men, older and they noticed I was wearing a hat from an old team called B.A.R Honda (British American Racing). So they made sure they got me on the same bus as them and we had a wonderful conversation about racing, all types and all sorts different drivers. It was a nice way to calm my nerves.Luckily, after taking the metro last night, I knew exactly how to get back to the hostel, once the bus dropped us at another part of the city. So nice to figure things out!

Once back at the co-ed hostel (I have 2 guys in my room now, I thought I told them female floor, this Hostel is not run well), I finally figured out how to call my brother Donnie's, friend's Mom. She then came and picked me up and took me to dinner, it was so sweet. But then we walked around, I'm pretty sure my legs and feet want me dead right now. She also let me use her phone to call Gaby in Vienna to give her the info on when I'll show up. She was such a nice lady, oh and of course, I was given dessert and a peach! Sweet!

Dinner was Chinese food, Sweet n Sour fried chicken. (Just in case Eric is reading, don't want to miss the description of dinner)
Also.... have I mentioned that it's been in the 90's here? I know I've said "scorching hot", so yeah, in the 90's!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a good time at the race. I heard about the guy who got hurt on Saturday. Bummer.
    Looking forward to reading about how the rest of your trip goes.
