Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day 21, Monday, August, 10th. Pembroke, Wales

I awoke to a grey, rainy day, boo! I was to expect it, since that is typical Welsh weather, but I couldn't help feeling just a little bit disappointed. So I packed up and grabbed a "Coastal Cruiser" bus and went to Angle, Wales. It is a little village/town on the coast of Wales and had access to the Coastal Path. This path goes for something like 100+ miles, it is part of the Pembrokeshire National Park, but I wasn't going to do much more then a couple. I had to carry both my bags along the path, so it wasn't going to last a long time. It was beautiful, but cloudy and I'm sure, AGAIN, my pictures didn't capture "My Wales". But I was happy I got to do that much walking, the rain had stopped, just in time for me to walk! When I got back on the bus, there were 2 employees of the bus system and after talking with them for a little while, they kinda gave me a tour. As we stopped in other little towns, the driver would stop long enough for me to get off the bus and snap a couple of pictures, it was awesome! I hope they come out too.

When I got back to Pembroke, I decided to just to jump on a train and head into Cardiff, to hit Hard Rock Cafe #6 of the trip, took about 3 hours . It was located a block from the train station and the bus station was across the street.I weighed my options of taking the train the rest of the way to London about 88 pounds, or to get a bus. At the time of checking at the station, it was 61 pounds. But after talking with someone at HRC, found out I could go online and get it MUCH cheaper. So I pondered my options and hit the McD's for the internet. Hard Rock Cafe was really cool at this one and super cheap for some reason. So I had a steak! This should make up for the lack of food yesterday, haha. People were really nice and friendly too. Something that is not found at all HRC's.

Online, I found a bus ticket for 12 pounds, wow, much better then 88 for the train, so I guess I'm taking a bus. I also had decided by this time of day, about 9 pm, that I was going to stay in Cardiff for the night. I liked Cardiff, even though I was told it sucked, there was something about it that was cool. The Castle was just down the street too. I ended up staying at a Travel Lodge and it was a nice clean double bed room! Sweet, until the parties started, ugg, what is it with people having to party in the street. Oh well, that's my story about Wales. Still very disappointed about loosing 2 days to traveling, but what can I do. I did find out, once I got to Pembroke, that there is a ferry that goes direct from Ireland to there.... WHAT!?!? I told you the people at information in Dublin were horrible. I would have had time during the day on Saturday to make my way South, then take the ferry over. But, I would have had to figure out a time to get to Manchester, and I met so many cool people, that maybe that was the way it was supposed to be.

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