Saturday, August 8, 2009

Day 19, Saturday, August 8th, Dublin, Ireland

I guess we all got to excited in our room about the snoring lady being gone! Right about 2 am was the beginning of the house party across the street from our window, and this building is old, so it sounded like our windows were open. And they had an awesome stereo, an echoing ally and a BUNCH of people. OMG! Luckily, either the Hostel or the Garda (police) got it to stop, but not before the ear plugs went in and the comforter got wrapped around my head again!

I had to check out at 10 am and the ferry to Manchester wasn't until 8pm. Yes, Manchester is in England, but I'm going to work by way to Wales from there, this is going to be fun and a little expensive I'm afraid. Oh well.

I was able to hang out at the hostel most of the day, just reading and trying to use their painfully slow internet. I then decided to pack it up and make the 2 mile jont to the bus station and make sure I have a ticket, better to make sure early!! So, instead of sitting at the hostel another 4 hours, I was sitting there at the bus station for 4 hours. Oh well, I got a lot of reading in. Plus talked to a couple of people and such. It was a little mad when they started queing (lining up) for the boarding passes, but the process to get on the bus was pretty good and it drove to the docks and drove right into the boat. I've never been on a ferry before that is 9 decks high, one that can hold a bus, so it's kinda cool to me. And it's quiet a luxurious boat. Lots of restaurants, bars and stores. Plus, for another 50 pounds, you can get a cabin to sleep in. We get off the boat at 12 am, so no point to me, I can just stay up. They have free internet and it's much faster!! YEAY! Good times to be had by all! Also, since it's an English boat, I have local currency again. I've got plenty of pounds, but I ran out of Euros, lol. That made the last day in Dublin fun. Anyways, that's pretty much my day in a nut shell. I did notice that while I was sitting at the bus station, it had began to rain, so I missed walking in the rain by leaving early, but I think it was Dublin crying because I was leaving! At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it, lol.

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